Frequently asked questions

  • 1. Can I place an additional order from Villa Market during my vacation?
    Of course, you can place an additional order from Villa Market, during your vacation, in case you need extra products.
  • 2. How will I receive my order from Villa Market?
    Your order will be transferred and settled in the villa by the staff of Villa Market, before you get there.
  • 3. Will extra packaging be provided for those products that are not consumable, so that I can take them with me when leaving the villa?
    In case you want to take with you to your place of residence products that aren’t consumable, you don’t have to worry about their transport, because they will be delivered to you in their original packaging.
  • 4. Is there an order budgetary limit in additional order?
    There is an order budgetary limit in the additional order, yes.
  • 5. When the products, we order in addition, will be delivered during our stay at the villa?
    The additional order is delivered to you the next day.
  • 6. If I can’t transport traditional products, is it possible for Villa Market to send them to my place of residence?
    Proceed with the order from Villa Market and inform us about the day and time of your departure, to receive in time the traditional products that you can transfer on your trip.
  • 7. Regardless of my stay in a Villa in Crete, can I order, in the future, from Villa Market traditional products from my place of residence?
    Even when you return to your place of residence, you can order again and again traditional products from Villa Market.
  • 8. Can I order from Villa Market and receive traditional products in my country, even if I haven’t been on holiday in Crete?
    Anyone can order from Villa Market, while staying in his country, even if he hasn’t been on holiday in Crete.